Thursday, 14 May 2015

Change is like tomorrow

These days everyone talks about change as being a constant. 'We'll always be changing' I hear managers tell their teams. Probably true but shouldn't we find a new way to describe something that has a very clear connotation in the minds of the recipient?

Change means different. Some people love different, others don't. Change also suggests that it is a finite process - 'we need to change' is received as we need to get from here to there. In the minds of the team that means once we're 'there' we stop.

But 'there' is like tomorrow, it never comes, it's always tantalisingly close but just as you creep up on it suddenly it gets further away again.

We need a new language to describe this perpetual motion that morphs teams and organisations from one shape to another as they flex against the pressure from external forces.

Come on, let's come up with it.

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